Réka Kluzsnik

According to the government's self-assessment, Hungary is doing well in the fight against climate change, and there is no overt denial of climate change in the government's rhetoric. However, the positive self-assessment of the government's actions is in striking contrast to the assessment of experts and the relevant statistical data. In a comprehensive study of climate change skepticism, Political Capital looked at public opinion data, media articles and a small number of expert interviews, and coined the term climate relativism, which does not deny climate change or human responsibility, but questions and trivializes the seriousness of the problems associated with it. Climate relativism dominates both discourse and government action.

Written by Ráchel Surányi, Political Capital

Will there be a radical right turn in Europe that will bring Viktor Orbán and his allies to power? – this is how many are framing the stakes of the European Parliament elections in June. And yet, according to forecasts, Eurosceptic formations will win at most a quarter of the seats. This is hardly enough to turn Europe upside down, but their influence will grow. Together with Fidesz possibly joining a radical right political group in the new parliament, this could significantly impact the balance of power in Brussels and the future of the European project.

Apart from the Kremlin, everyone is interested in improving the Hungarian-Ukrainian relations that have deteriorated since 2017. Ukraine is open to a rapprochement as it needs Hungary’s support in the Western alliance system, while the Orbán government needs to reduce its international isolation. Thus, in the next six months, we will see what is more important for Orbán: Hungary’s relationship with and position in the West or its cordial relationship with the Kremlin.

Slovakia falls behind in attracting high-quality investments into the sector and in registering new electric vehicles, new study confirms. One of the biggest challenges of greening the automotive sector is the increasing demand for highly skilled employees, which the education system has so far failed to respond to. 

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