25 Jul

21 European Parliament posts for V4 countries, half for Poles

No representatives of the Visegrad Group were assigned for the EU top jobs for the next term. The situation looks a bit better with regards to the European Parliament posts.

Written by Krzysztof Ryncarz | Euractiv.pl

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V4 ministers consider digitalisation one of the most significant development of the economy since the industrial revolution. [Pixabay]

European union Member states have scrapped a Commission's plan to establish a system to tax internet giants like Google or Facebook. In a bid to break a deadlock, EU executive arm have called for a move to a qualified majority voting on tax issues. The V4 countries, however, clearly reject to kill national vetoes on tax policy. Their governments are now likely to bring in their own national digital tax laws.

In 2010, newly-elected Hungarian Prime Minister meets with Polish presidential candidate of the main opposition party. (EPA/Pawel Supernak)

As we approach the European Parliamentary elections, Eurosceptic political rhetoric in Hungary and Poland is once again rising. It is hardly surprising given the critical view the governing parties and their leaders, Viktor Orbán and Jaroslaw Kaczyński share towards the European Union and some of its policies.

Robert Dúbravec - Power conciousness, 1957. [WebUmenia.sk/Stredoslovenská galéria]

Although the Visegrad Group’s members are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the collapse of communist dictatorships this year, multilevel EU procedures are ongoing against Hungary and Poland for rule of law deficiencies. According to the assessment of global democracy indexes, the quality of democratic governance fell considerably in the most eminent students of the democratic transition, while political and civil rights have also been restricted.

Czechoslovak Consul typewriter. [Wikimedia/Commons]

Member states, the European Parliament and the Commission successfully finished almost three years of negotiation on a copyright reform. The clashes were concerned primary to articles 11 and 13. Stances of the states differed a lot and the Visegrad countries were not an exception. 

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